firstcall HEALTH has established solid working relationships, preferred provider and ongoing contracts with numerous hospitals, aged care facilities, health care services, disability support services, home & community care organisations and schools all over Victoria by providing quality staff.
Our point of difference is that we work closely with our clients to find a suitable arrangement to meet their staffing needs. With a 15 minute turn-around time on all shift requests, a fill rate of 95%* and our thorough recruitment processes ensures we are meeting the highest quality standard at both firstcall HEALTH’s criteria as well as our valued clients’.
On quality and standard, FCH has built a professional reputation on its services to our clients and through the standard of staff we provide.
Our systems are full proof, professional and always of the highest quality when recruiting to ensure your job is much easier as our client. We don’t unnecessarily pester you, we will tailor the service we provide to fit in with your busy schedules and ensure our compliance is of the most professional standard.
*Based on our quarterly financial reports